Hard Boiled Meg

Meg is invigorated by her new role as a getaway driver. Meanwhile, Quagmire can't rid himself of the hiccups and implores Peter to kill him.

Hard Boiled Meg

March 20, 2022  |  Season 20   |  Episode 15

Meg is invigorated by her new role as a getaway driver. Meanwhile, Quagmire can't rid himself of the hiccups and implores Peter to kill him.

Meg tries and fails to get any takers while hustling pool, but gets a request to take home a hot looking guy named Seymour. However, he robs a convenience store on the way and Meg successfully eludes the police. They do it again the following night and plan to hit a big department store, but Chris overhears the plot. He tries to talk her out of it, but she ignores him. They pull off the heist and get away, and when Meg stops to ask if Seymour is really using her, he confesses his love for her but ends up being shot by a police officer. Meg floors the accelerator, but things are brought back to sharp reality when they end up crashing into Peter driving Quagmire's car.

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When the guys learn of a new virtual reality parlor in town, they decide to give it a try, but the experience leaves Quagmire with a non-stop case of the hiccups. After attempts by his friends to scare him, visits to Dr. Hartman and a Reverend fail to cure the issue, Quagmire goes to Peter and begs him to kill him. Peter agrees and Quagmire also stipulates that he's not to back out of it. But as he's saying goodbye to his cat, her scratches cure him of his hiccups. But before he can deliver the happy news, Peter kidnaps him and tosses him in the trunk of his car.

Chris catches up with Meg and points out that she had imagined her entire encounter with Seymour. He takes her place in the car and tells Peter that he stole it. Back home, Meg continues to fantasize about Seymour, although it turns out that it's really E coli from tainted mustard. However, at the virtual reality parlor, Seymour is really participating in a Family Guy simulation, and jumps at the chance to do one for Bob's Burgers.