Joe's Revenge

When the criminal who shot Joe years ago, leaving Joe in a wheelchair, becomes a fugitive, Quagmire, Joe and Peter team up to hunt the bad guy down.

Joe's Revenge

November 18, 2012  |  Season 11   |  Episode 5

When the criminal who shot Joe years ago, leaving Joe in a wheelchair, becomes a fugitive, Quagmire, Joe and Peter team up to hunt the bad guy down.

While watching the news the guys find out that Bobby Briggs, the guy that shot Joe was finally caught after years of being on the run. After admitting he lied about his past, he reveals the truth of being on a sting operation and was crippled by Bobby who avoided a murder rap. But at home they find that Bobby promptly escaped. Joe goes to the chief and demands to be placed on the case but is turned down. Back at the bar with the guys, Joe is feeling down in the dumps but Peter talks him into going after Bobby with them. Joe reveals that he has a room full of information on Bobby and they head off to track him down.

When Quagmire heads off with Joe and Peter, he leaves his cat and very exacting instructions with Lois on her care. Brian becomes jealous of the attention the cat gets and gives to the family, falling for Chris' trying to prove that cats always land on their feet. He also tries to imitate it in order to get to feel Lois' breasts when it kneads her while she is asleep.

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Heading to Atlantic City, they find Bobby's old girlfriend at a strip club. When Joe's methods fail Quagmire takes over and gets Bobby's location from her. At Bobby's place, they enter and catch Briggs but he manages to escape from them. As Joe moans about losing Bobby, they are arrested for interfering with the case until Joe realizes the cops are corrupt and have been involved with hiding Bobby. Quagmire manages to free themselves from handcuffs using his Swiss army penis and they steal the police cruiser. As the guys leave Peter reveals that he has a phone number he picked up in Bobby's place that leads them to try to head him off before he gets to Mexico.

At the border, they check traffic until Bobby arrives and then Joe gives chase, getting Bobby at gunpoint. He shoots Bobby intending to cripple him but hits an artery and kills him.