Supermarket Pete

With the brewery under construction, Lois implores Peter to take a new job, but grows irate when he begins work at the grocery store. Meanwhile, armed with his police stories, Joe and Brian team up to write their own true crime novel.

Supermarket Pete

October 8, 2023  |  Season 22   |  Episode 2

With the brewery under construction, Lois implores Peter to take a new job, but grows irate when he begins work at the grocery store. Meanwhile, armed with his police stories, Joe and Brian team up to write their own true crime novel.

During a meeting at work, Preston reveals that the Pawtucket Brewery will be transitioning to an open-floor plan, giving everyone two unpaid months off while construction is underway. When his spending gets too reckless, Lois implores Peter to get a new job, and he ends up working at the Stop 'N Shop. Lois disagrees with this, as grocery shopping usually acts as her escape from her usual life, but Peter nonetheless enjoys his job despite not being the best at it. Peter's continued shenanigans eventually lead to Lois blowing up at him in the store for ruining her safe space, getting her banned by management. At Bonnie's suggestion, Lois vows revenge by getting a job at The Drunken Clam, but Peter does not recognize her in uniform and thus is unbothered, which frustrates her. Following a heart to heart, Peter convinces the manager to fire him and unban Lois.

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Meanwhile, when the guys are too bored by Joe's crime story to hear him out, he finds solace in Brian, who is engrossed by his tales. He offers to write a novel based on one of the murder stories Joe has a file on, knowing how popular the true crime genre is, but changes things up by taking creative liberties with the details. In order to fill out the rest, Joe and Brian decide to solve the murder mystery themselves, but talking to the family of the murdered woman bears no fruit. By complete accident, the two stumble across the key to a storage unit and head there to find some answers, only to get ambushed by numerous crime podcasters who want to solve the mystery themselves and discuss it on their shows. A fight breaks out over who gets to crack the case, which causes Joe to have second thoughts about using a real murder case as the basis for a true crime novel. Figuring they'll be no better than the podcasters, the two decide not to write the book, but Brian takes heart in the fact that Joe appreciates his writing.