Die Firma
Als Peter erfährt, dass Mr. Pewterschmidt nie seinen Junggesellenabschied gefeiert hat, zögert er nicht lange und bringt seinen Schwiegervater in einen Stripclub, um Versäumtes nachzuholen. Im Nu führt der Lapdance einer Tänzerin zum Unglück: Mr. Pewterschmidt erleidet einen Herzanfall und fällt ins Koma. Seinem letzten Willen zufolge soll Lois ab sofort die Familiengeschäfte übernehmen. Ohne zu zögern stürzt sich Peter ins BusinessAbenteuer – mit verheerenden Folgen...
Nächste Folge
Family Guy Season 8
Family Guy Episode 9
The Griffin family are on Carter's yacht when Lois gets seasick. Peter mentions how he got sick at his bachelor party. Carter is confused because he never had one. Peter decides to give Carter the bachelor party he never had at the Fuzzy Clam. Peter gets Carter a lap dance. Carter gets so excited that he has a heart attack and slips into a coma, and not even Dr. House can bring him out of it. With her father incapacitated, Lois is given control of Pewterschmidt Industries.
Peter convinces Lois to let him run the operation, but he gets power hungry and fires the board. He then hires Mort, Quagmire and Brian, and makes new products, such as: The African-American Heart Monitor, Jeremy Irons Cereal, Scream In a Box and the new Lady Scream In a Box. Carter soon bounces back and tries to regain control of his company but Peter refuses to step aside. Desperate to keep earning money, Lois talks her father into taking a job with Peter who sees it as an opportunity to get even for the years of poor treatment at his hands. To convince Peter to give the company back, Lois and Carter concoct a story about a swamp monster on the loose. Peter falls for it but Lois and Carter run into another swamp monster who turns out to be Dr. House.