Der letzte Knall
Peter steigert sich anlässlich des bevorstehenden Jahrtausendwechsels immer mehr in seine Weltuntergangstheorien und lässt alle geplanten Neujahrsaktionen seiner Familie streichen. Denn er ist sich einer Sache ganz sicher: Am 1. Januar 2000 werden Bomben die ganze Welt zerstören ausser einer erstaunlich robusten Twinkie–Fabrik. Nun machen sich die Griffins auf die Suche nach dieser Fabrik, doch unterwegs wird Stewie von einer Mutanten–Bande gekidnappt.
Nächste Folge
Family Guy Season 2
Family Guy Episode 3
On December 31, 1999, a costumed man warns Peter about the dangers of Y2K. Peter locks his family up in a bomb shelter that evening. A nuclear holocaust occurs at the stroke of midnight, destroying much of Quahog and mutating or injuring many of the surviving citizens. The Griffins are free from mutations.
When food runs out, the family travels to Natick, Massachusetts, in hopes that the “Twinkie” factory survived. On the way, Stewie is exposed to nuclear waste and later mutates into an octopus-like creature. Upon their arrival at Natick, they establish a town, dubbed New Quahog, which Peter mismanages into chaos. Octopus Stewie notices that he has put on weight, and then begins to lay eggs.
Peter is eventually kicked out of the town he founded, and his family follows him, deciding where they should go next: a Carvel factory in Framingham, Massachusetts. Meanwhile, Stewie’s spawn hatch, and begin to kill the New Quahog citizens.
The episode ends in a live-action parody of a famous episode of Dallas, where Pam Ewing wakes to find her husband Bobby in the shower. She tells him about the episode, which was apparently a dream. This is a parody of the famous Dallas shower scene, where an entire previous season of Dallas was revealed as a dream.