Der Geburtstags-Bootlegger
Auf der Suche nach neuem Lesestoff für die Vorschule stößt Stewie auf ein Buch, in dem ihm Streiche erklärt werden. Er ist sofort begeistert von der Idee, seinem Rivalen Doug eins auszuwischen und lockt ihn in die Falle. Die Lehrerin der beiden Kinder ist davon allerdings überhaupt nicht angetan, weshalb Stewie in den Arrest gesteckt wird. Dort verändert er sich stark. Peter hat derweil mit seinem neuen und fiesen Boss zu kämpfen.
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Family Guy Season 20
Family Guy Episode 8
As the one put in charge of office birthdays, Peter actually gets excited about work. But when a new manager takes over, he immediately puts a halt to office birthdays to improve productivity. When Peter pleads to continue them, the humorless manager allows the employees just a couple of minutes to celebrate. The employees try to take the parties underground at the brewery, but Peter's overpowered guitar amplifier gives the game away and he ends up getting fired. However, a show of solidarity from the brewery employees results in the manager having second thoughts, and rehires Peter to celebrate birthdays on a monthly basis.
Meanwhile, when Stewie plays a prank on Doug that causes him to get a bloody nose, his third violation lands him in detention, which is held in the elementary school. Stewie comes out from detention much hardened with a prison attitude. As a result he makes Chris his bitch, and becomes aggressive towards Rupert. He finally reverts to his old self when Lois gives him a bubble bath, but Brian is horrified to see he has received a prison tattoo which Stewie later shares his tale with his grandchildren.
With the office birthdays reduced to being celebrated only monthly, Peter is disappointed in not getting to perform as often as usual. When Chris reminds Peter that he doesn't need a celebration to perform, this leads to Peter and the family doing a reprise of "June Is Busting Out All Over" with Leslie Uggams leading the song.