Tutto accadde in una scuola
Quando l'insegnante di Chris vince alla lotteria e si licenzia, Brian si offre di sostituirla. Tutto sembra funzionare alla perfezione fino a quando Brian viene spostato a un'altra classe, dove deve insegnare a ragazzi dimenticati dalla società ad abbassare le proprie aspirazioni. Nel frattempo, Chris si innamora della nuova insegnante, la signorina Lockhart, che promette di stare con lui a patto che uccida suo marito. Ma quando Lois trova le istruzioni della docente nei pantaloni di Chris in lavanderia, lei e Stewie cominciano a investigare e a cercare di salvare Chris.
Prossimo episodio
Family Guy Season 4
Family Guy Episode 2
When Chris’ teacher wins the lottery and quits, Lois suggests Brian fill in as a substitute. He enjoys the job but is moved to another class for troubled kids and unintentionally teaches them to aspire to low-level jobs.
Meanwhile, Chris is instantly smitten with his new teacher, Mrs. Lockhart. Lois is not pleased with this. After she and Peter talk to Mrs. Lockhart, she promises to be with Chris if he kills her husband, though he does not do it.
When Lois finds the teacher’s written instructions in Chris’ laundry, she and Stewie conspire to cover up the plot. Back at home, the rest of the family treat Chris differently because they thought he actually killed Mrs. Lockhart’s husband, until it is shown on the news that it was really Mrs. Lockhart and a bear.
In the last scene Mrs. Lockhart and the bear are found in a motel, with Mrs. Lockhart all dressed up for a nice evening dinner while the bear is lying on the bed watching television. She is put off by his reluctance to go out, and he tries to get back in her good graces without putting any real effort into their relationship.