Gli amici di Peter G
Brian e Peter sono costretti a partecipare a trenta riunioni degli Alcolisti Anonimi. La Morte darà poi a Peter una dimostrazione di come potrebbe essere la sua vita senza alcohol.
Prossimo episodio
Family Guy Season 9
Family Guy Episode 10
After creating a drunken scene at the Quahog Cinema, Brian and Peter are required to attend a 12-step program to deal with their drinking problems. Depressed by being forced to listen to all of the stories of how alcohol affected the lives of the others attendees, they decide to liven things up by encouraging the others to drink. When Joe Swanson responds to a disturbance call at the community center, they fool him by disguising the center to resemble a church.FG813STILL9
On the way home, Peter crashes his car and is killed. Death gives Peter a second chance but not until Death gives Peter a glimpse of what life would be like both as a heavy drinker and completely without alcohol. The completely drunken Peter is shown abusing his family while the clean and sober Peter is shown being a complete bore. Death tells him the key is moderation so Peter decides to throw out half of the cans of beer he purchases to cut back on his drinking.