Ábrete de orejas
Lois se ofrece voluntaria para dar clases de educación sexual en el instituto de sus hijos, pero acaba siendo despedida por sus lecciones demasiado honestas siendo reemplazada por un reverendo quien obliga a los jóvenes a practicar la abstinencia. Meg y su novio deciden buscar una alternativa para mantener relaciones sexuales para seguir siendo "puros" ante los ojos de Dios. Por otra parte, Stewie intenta destruir al Hada de los dientes.
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Family Guy Season 5
Family Guy Episode 6
Mayor Adam West pursues a pizza delivery man with his cat launcher; a crossbow that employs his cats as projectiles, launching one cat through the window of an adult video store.
Chris and his friends believe that someone has broken in, and go in and steal armfuls of videos. When Lois catches Chris watching porn, and finds out there’s no sex-ed teacher at his school, she volunteers for the job, only to be fired when parents complain that she’s teaching the children about condoms, instead of scaring them about sex like she should be.
A minister is brought to the school to preach abstinence, causing many students, including Meg and her boyfriend to vow to abstain, even Peter becomes abstinent. However, a craze of "ear sex" sweeps the city, as the abstinent people still desire sexual encounters. Lois tries to fight this immediately. She bursts into the minister's speech, which is full of anti-sex propaganda. She tells the kids not to listen to the minister and tells them the good things about sex and that they should wear a condom.
Tooth Fairy
Meg's boyfriend leaves her after seeing her naked. She blames Lois.
Meanwhile, Stewie learns about the tooth fairy and immediately doesn't like the idea of someone coming in his room while sleeping. He sets up a toy army to keep the tooth fairy out. When Brian wakes him in the morning, he is appalled to learn that the tooth fairy had been in his room during the night. He even exclaims that she could have broken his neck. He steals a tooth to lure the tooth fairy back on his terms. Although Brian tells him when he awakens the next morning that the tooth fairy is not real, the tooth has mysteriously disappeared.