El apartamento 23
Brian lleva a Stewie a la biblioteca de la universidad, donde, de forma creepy, y sin éxito, intenta ligar con universitarias. Después de encontrarse con una protesta estudiantil, Brian comienza a tuitear opiniones políticas sin sentido; Además, publica un tweet ofensivo y racista que se vuelve viral. En pocas horas, su ofensa se extiende, y Brian es perseguido por un grupo de gente furiosa. Cuando el resto de los Griffin también son incluidos en la ofensa de Brian, Lois aconseja a Brian que se disculpe con la multitud, pero la multitud está demasiado irritada para escuchar, y Brian pierde los estribos.
Siguiente episodio
Family Guy Season 16
Family Guy Episode 6
After Brian renews his interest in his Twitter account to join a protest, he starts tweeting on a regular basis. His tweets gather little attention until he makes a racially insensitive remark about a film before seeing Baywatch. While in the theater, his tweet goes viral and he exits to find an angry mob awaiting him who chase him home. Despite his attempt to delete the tweet, Brian as well as the family are treated as pariahs. Brian's attempt to apologize also falls flat and Lois tells him that he needs to move out for the safety of the family. Shocked, Brian packs up, finds a run-down apartment and settles in.