Baby Got Black

Chris is forbidden to see Jerome's daughter Pam, so when the kids run away together, Jerome and Peter must work together to find them.

Baby Got Black

April 27, 2014  |  Season 12   |  Episode 18

Chris is forbidden to see Jerome's daughter Pam, so when the kids run away together, Jerome and Peter must work together to find them.

At The Drunken Clam, the guys hear a news story of a kid who dies after staying awake for 51 hours playing Halo and wager each other over who can stay awake the longest. To pass the time, the guys crank call Cleveland and Mort over their dead wives. Sixty two hours without sleep later, the guys start to hallucinate. Joe falls asleep first, but when Peter and Quagmire awake the next day, they find they have to review Quagmire's security camera footage to determine Peter won the bet. To celebrate, he takes the family go out to eat at Sporty's. When Chris goes to pick out a lobster, he bumps into his classmate Pam and her father Jerome. But when they part, Pam plants a steamy kiss on Chris.

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Chris later introduces Pam to the family as his girlfriend to their unease. Lois nervously notes she voted for Obama and Peter is impressed that she isn't fat. But at The Clam, Jerome forbids Pam from seeing Chris and Peter accuses him of being racist despite his objects. He invites Jerome and his daughter to dinner but Jerome strongly resists any overtures of friendship and Peter tries to convince him that white people have done a lot of good but only make him angrier as he drags Pam away.

The next day, Chris mopes over Pam, worried that he'll never meet anyone else and he decides to confront Jerome. But Jerome later comes to Peter and tells of finding a note that their kids have run away together. As they hide out in a motel, they try to figure out what to do and Pam tells him to get undressed while she prepares herself as well. Chris admits his inexperience and Pam confesses hers as well. As Peter and Jerome cruise town, they are pulled over by a police officer who questions them and Jerome later angrily notes that it happens all the time. Blowing off some steam, Jerome notes that most of his anger is in his protection of Pam and that he likes Peter. They arrive at the motel to find Chris and Pam making out. Peter's admonishment of Chris takes a racist tone which Jerome realizes is a reflection of his own attitudes and agrees to let the kids see each other.